With Value Your Network, co-create and share content for brands you like on your social networks and complete your income.
Value Your Network is the application that allows you to develop your creativity and your audience on your social networks in your areas of influence.
If you are passionate or expert in a field (fashion, beauty, travel, food, child, sports, car, innovation, technology ...), you can enhance and monetize your audience on your social networks thanks to Value Your Network. The good news is that you do not need to be a celebrity! .
1 / Register in one click to Value Your Network.
2 / Connect your social networks to know your Vscore that measures your level of influence in your chosen field. More your Vscore, the more you receive priority campaigns.
3 / Depending on your interests identified centers, you receive proposals targeted campaigns for brands.
4 / If the campaign please, you can relay on your social networks, personalizing the message.
5 / Based on the commitments generated on your posts, you earn money, simply.
ValueYourNetwork has already done campaigns for major brands such as startup: Orange, LOréal, Renault, Bel, Passionata, Petit Bateau, Galeries Lafayette, LAtelier BNP Paribas, VoyagePrivé, SweetInn ...
Join our community of thousands of influencers everyday, followed by more than 20 million fans and followers.